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News from Nowhere: Ossto Escribo


News from Nowhere: Ossto Escribo


Role: sketch ideation, 3d modeling/rendering/narrative creation


Designing how we write in the apocalypse

In 2013, School of the Art Institute of Chicago design students and faculty participated in a workshop led by Tokyo-based Takram Design Engineering to coincide with the New From Nowhere exhibit at Sullivan Galleries .  In collaboration with designers, Kathie Chung, Madeline Geftic, and Arianna Petrich, we set out to design a writing system for a post-apocalyptic speculative future.  The Ossto Escribo was a subcutaneous bone etching device that could record personal and familial histories long after death. 




A 3D printed prototype of the device was presented and shown at the Sullivan Galleries at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.